
MGMT - Time to pretend - Live on Letterman.

I can't get this song out of my head. I recommend you check out the video here (The Youtube version is not embeddable, just in case, heaven-forbid, somebody decides to distribute the video on their blog. Record labels seem to have forgotten that videos are PROMOTIONAL material.) Just listening to the rest of the album now. Its much more guitar orientated than I expected from this song. It's sort of funky and spaced-out. Reminds me of AIR, prog and The Flaming Lips. As beatlawrence notes the album is created with traditional instruments more than electronics. This seems a bit of a shame to me but it is defiantly worth a listen and sounds like it will stand up to repeated spins.


Anonymous said...

Steve Lillywhite whose label they're signed to described them last week as the future of pop music. I thought they were using The Flaming Lips producer too so I can see that reference. I Like The Doors flourish at the end of this rendition.

Anonymous said...

I do like 'The Doors' little flourish at the end. I think they used The Flaming Lips producer for the album which as you say is not quite the same instrument arsenal as this track (which has been around a long time).Steve Lillywhite (noted producer) called them the future of pop music (but then he would, he owns the label they're on).